c# - Turn a dynamic DataTable into a List 2013年11月13日 - You need to turn each row into a dictionary: table.AsEnumerable() .Select(dr => table.Columns.Cast() .ToDictionary(dc => dc.
c# - DataTable to Dictionary 2012年9月29日 - Seems Dictionary is not corrective much in here because col1 does not ensure data is unique, you can use ...
Practical Approach of Converting DataTable to Generic Dictionary 行動版 - 2012年4月10日 - Linq; using System.Data;. Step 2: Create a DataTable and add DataColumns to it:
linq - How can I convert a DataTable to an IEnumerable >? - Stack Overflow I'd like to convert a DataTable to an IEnumerable of Dictionary. I tried the following LINQ query, from DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable() let ...
Dataset, Datatable to Json | Schotime.net The static class JsonMethods exposes two public static methods and a private method. The public method ToJson() takes either a Dataset or a Datatable, and returns a Dictionary object. The key to this class is the RowsToDictionary() method. This ...
Auto populate DataTable columns to the Views in ASP.NET MVC - DotNetFunda.com string GetJson(DataTable table) { System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); List rows = new List
Convert a LINQ Query Resultset to a DataTable After a long struggle I find out the way to convert a Linq Query resultset to DataTable object. The attached source code shows how to do it.
TechyMedia | Import Excel To SQL Server using DataTable as data Type This is a sample application to Export data from Excel To SQL which continuouly monitor a directory for presence of excel files and push the excel file data to SQL Server tables using data table.Excel records are transferred to a data table and the data t
Convert Datatable to Collection using Generic - CodeProject 12 Aug 2011 ... public static List ToCollection(this DataTable table, Dictionary dic) { List lst = new System.Collections.Generic.List(); Type ...
c#, convert a DataTable to a dictionary - Experts Exchange 14 Feb 2008 ... I have a datatable object in my application (from a MS-SQL Server) I'd like to convert it to a dictionary like key=column1 and value=column2.